Monday, September 13, 2010

Least in the Kingdom (#352 of 365+)

“Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the
kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:19)

Just because I know the blood of Jesus covers sin doesn’t mean I now have a free ticket to do whatever I want. Joni cited an example of a friend who planned to leave his wife. He said they had grown apart and, now that their kids were all grown, their divorce wouldn’t hurt anyone. Besides, he said, “God will forgive me.”

But God says he hates divorce… God hates stealing, lying… He hates all sin. Why would someone who claimed to know and love the Lord try to do something so polar opposite to his nature?

Because he’s a sinful, selfish human being. We’re all that way at the core, even after we’re saved! Once we’ve managed to convince ourselves that breaking one “little” law of God is okay because “it won’t hurt anyone” it doesn’t take very long before we break a few others. Before I know it, I’ve veered way off course from God’s best and I’ve probably ruined my testimony as well.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible says about today’s passage: “What is between God and our souls, must be kept to ourselves; but that which is of itself open to the sight of men, we must study to make suitable to our profession, and praiseworthy. We must aim at the glory of God.”

Lord Jesus, thank you for setting the example of a life of grace and love. Help me to be more like you. May I not do only what I want or feel like doing but to always submit and do what’s right in your eyes. I know that’s a tall order for someone like me but you deserve nothing less than the best. With your Holy Spirit I know I can do all things. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. How easy it has become for Christians to subscribe to this way of thinking because they know they are already assured a place in heaven and God WILL forgive them. Add to that the fact that the church today will do anything and everything to keep from confronting sinning brothers in their midst, and divorce and many other sins are just rampant in the church. The brother is accepted into all fellowship even as he pursues iniquity with everything in him. God is love, but He is also justice, holiness, and righteousness and He requires the same of us.


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