Thursday, July 22, 2010

Horsey Obedience (#299 of 365+)

“Do you give the horse his strength or clothe his neck with a flowing mane? Do you make him leap like a locust, striking terror with his proud snorting? He paws fiercely, rejoicing in his strength, and charges into the fray. He
laughs at fear, afraid of nothing; he does not shy away from the sword” (Job 39:19-22)

I love horses. Last year for my birthday we went horseback riding in the mountains within spitting distance of a race track. The stables we rented from had some really good, strong, retired workhorses. The most “work” they did anymore was take tourists on leisurely rides around the acreage. They weren’t anything like the racing thoroughbreds next door; none of them had a special pedigree or any exceptional athletic ability. But they did their job well and seemed to enjoy going for a stroll on sunny days.

At times during our ride, the stable horses would show us a little attitude. One would stubbornly veer off course if he spotted a plant he wanted to snack on. The other would bump into or nip at the rear end of the female horse in front of him. When I gently kicked the one I was riding so he would catch up with the group, he took off at a trot that was a little too fast for my liking. After he slowed down I saw him peek back at me. I could swear he was checking to see how pale my face had become.

Horses definitely have minds of their own.

Joni talked about how she watched in awe one morning as a professional rider trained a thoroughbred in a horse-show ring. The horse paid attention to the most subtle, imperceptible movements or clicks from his rider and would instantly obey by changing direction or speed. He and his rider obviously had a good rapport and a bond of trust. Any horse that had been beaten, yanked, or poked into submission would never respond to his rider with such fluid responses. Joni said it was as if the two shared “one mind, one purpose.”

Lord, thank you for this beautiful lesson in godliness. Train me so I respond to your Spirit with immediate obedience and with abandoned enthusiasm. May my mind and my will become one with your purposes. Amen.

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