Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Seasoned Conversation (#213 of 365+)

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer
everyone” (Colossians 4:5-6 NIV)

Even if you had difficulty balancing the chemistry equations in high school, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that a chemical change occurs when sodium chloride is added to a solution. Sodium chloride, or salt, has an influence on anything it touches. You can discern the difference after sprinkling a little on bland food. It simply tastes better!

Paul told believers to be aware of what we bring to the table or what we add to the mix. We introduce God’s grace to every conversation and encounter because we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. When we forget that important truth our conversations or encounters fall far short of what they could have been.

Remember the way Jesus welcomed sinners and vice versa? The Lord was masterful at initiating conversations and making friends. He never let anyone feel like a stranger and he didn’t talk down to people. He never passed up an opportunity to help or defend someone who was at a disadvantage and he didn’t hesitate to physically and/or verbally confront those who misrepresented the Father (temple money-changers and religious leaders). He communicated hatred for sin but expressed forgiveness and love for the sinner. If their conscience was pricked it wasn’t because he criticized them but because they felt God’s presence. He was the living example of graciousness, or being full or grace. And he calls us to be like him.

“Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out” (Colossians 4:6 MSG)

The “seasoned with salt” conversation Paul was talking about is not to be confused with the false flavors of Christianity. We can’t expect people to be responsive to the Lord when we “apply salt to the wound,” “throw in a zinger” now and then, or “sugar-coat” the truth. We need to be prayerful, sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s lead, and follow Christ’s example when interacting with others.

“Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness?” (Matthew 5:13 MSG)

Lord, use me so those hungry and thirsty souls I encounter every day will get a taste of you. You are the Bread of Life and the Living Water. Only you can satisfy. Amen.

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