Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can You Stand the Test? (#214 of 365+)

“We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope” (Romans 5:3-4)

Today Joni talked about a recent disaster that she and her husband Ken endured and survived. What happened wasn’t some catastrophic event like an earthquake or a flood. It was just your average home renovation. But it was no laughing matter.

Think about it: Your house is wrecked, your lives are upended for several weeks, and the stress takes its toll on your marital bliss. Suffering doesn’t always have to be something big like cancer or quadriplegia. Most of the time it’s just a lot of little everyday things that wear away at you until your nerve endings are exposed and you want to scream.

Either that or pick a fight with your beloved spouse.

My husband and I can relate to this. We’re currently in the early stages of buying our first home and not everything has been smooth sailing so far. But I know we’ll survive like Joni and Ken did just as long as we remember to keep touching our backs together so we’re facing outward when the shooting begins.

Just kidding…

Joni said problems are like “tests” that give us the opportunity to experience great joy. Why? Because hopefully we learned something from the last time we experienced trouble. As Paul explained, “We rejoice… because we know.” What do we know? We know the Lord never fails. We’re not necessarily the ones who get tested. The Lord actually intends for us to test him.

If my husband and I pray about the hurdles, obstacles, and setbacks we encounter God is faithful and will give us the “perseverance, staying-power, and hope” we need to get through to closing. That is, if it’s God’s will for us to own this home.

We’ll know soon enough…

Lord, thank you for always watching over us. Instead of troubles or disappointments, help us to see your hand at work in our lives. May we be full of your peace and joy no matter what happens. Amen.

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