Sunday, February 28, 2010

Discipline or Punishment? (#155 of 365+)

“Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent” (Revelation 3:19)

Yesterday my husband showed me a YouTube video of a mother
and her rebellious young son who was about nine or ten years old. It looked like they were alone and having a private conversation. The mother explained to her son that she was troubled by his bad behavior but he interrupted and argued with her as if he was her equal. He finally told her to “shut up”. She froze as if in shock. Then the little boy slapped her across the face. I didn’t see her do anything about it.

By God’s grace I am one of his own—but that familiarity doesn’t mean I can treat him like my little buddy. The Bible says he is the Lord God Almighty and one day everyone (whether they belong to him or not) will fall to their knees at the sight of him. I must have a sense of reverence and awe even as I boldly approach in prayer. My heart attitude should extend into my moment-by-moment choices between righteous and unrighteous living. He paid such a high price for my freedom that I can never take that wonderful gift for granted. He deserves only my best efforts at seeking his will each and every day. But what happens if my rebellious streak gets out of hand and I start down the wrong road? My loving heavenly Father will discipline me. (Notice the root of the word “discipline” is “disciple”).

“The Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son” (Hebrews 12:6)

Joni said there are two kinds of punishment:

This is “what God does with unbelievers, with wicked people who shake their fist at him, scorn all his standards, and walk right into judgment”.

This is “when the Father sends discipline into the life of one of his own, to bring that son or daughter back to the path of life”.

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful” (Hebrews 12:11)

Thank you Father, that though you discipline, you never reject me, leave me, or let me go.

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