Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Focus in Service (#38 of 365+)

Last night I attended volunteer training for a local ministry and God spoke to me through a guest speaker. She quoted the following verse: “Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the
Lord’s purpose that prevails” (Proverbs 19:21). I believe the Lord is calling me to serve in a couple of areas. With everything else I already have on my schedule I know there is a risk that I could become burned out. However, since this is God’s idea after all and not mine, I know he will make a way to meet all my obligations where I don’t see one at this time. It will take a miracle, which I’m praying for, and I’m prepared to receive it whenever he’s ready to give it!

Today’s devotional verse is: “But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made” (Luke 10:40). As Joni said, “Martha is not to be chided for rolling up her sleeves… It wasn’t that she was too busy or planned too many things on the menu… [She] simply allowed those things to distract her from her focus—the Savior… A complaining spirit took over as she focused on her sister, Mary, along with all the pots and pans!”

If my service to God becomes about anything other than him then I’m guaranteed to lose the joy in it. I need to remain focused on listening to Jesus Christ much like Martha’s sister Mary was. Even though I tend to be more “action-oriented” like Martha I must not forget to do my daily beauty rituals of prayer, worship, and reading of the word. I say "beauty rituals" because gazing upon the face of Jesus will reverse frowns and scowls, guaranteed, and it brings glory to God. A complaining and critical spirit, on the other hand, is unsightly and repulsive. It doesn't do any good except make me a likely candidate for a TV plastic surgery reality show (just kidding).

Lord, you know my many weaknesses. Be my strength. Work through me to make something that will last. Thank you for the high privilege of serving you. Amen.

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