Wednesday, November 4, 2009

God Repenting? (#39 of 365+)

“So the LORD relented” (Amos 7:3)

Did God change his mind, or repent of a bad opinion? Does God
make bad decisions? No. The Lord exists simultaneously in the past, present, and the future so it isn’t possible that he wouldn’t see a future result.

As Joni explains, God shows his wrath in the book of Amos because of Israel’s rebellion but he’s still the same God we know who is always ready to show kindness to those who repent. He never turns away from those who turn from their sins and he will never change his mind about accepting them. Joni said, “God graciously condescends to accommodate himself to our finite and often one-dimensional world. He uses human metaphors so that we might understand as best as we can. How gracious of him!”

I also want to add something the Lord has been saying to me this week. Prayer changes things. If we come together to pray about something or someone in earnest, it strengthens God’s focus on that area and could just be the thing to turn the tide. Have you ever been in a situation that seemed hopeless? Touch God’s heart by praying about it and see what changes. Sometimes he changes the situation. Sometimes he changes other people. And sometimes he will change you

Lord, thank you for relating to us and being patient as we try to understand your infinite qualities. Thank you for your steadfast love. I pray for my enemies today - those who would persecute me because they live devoid of your Holy Spirit. May your love, shining through me, disarm them. Amen.

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