Friday, October 16, 2009

What Do I Have? (#20 of 365+)

Due to a recent series of events, my husband and I had to share “my car” this entire week. His job requires mobility so of course I understood that he needed possession of the car all day.
He kindly adjusted his schedule so he could transport me to and from work. Although I love every moment I get to spend with my husband, for the purposes of this exercise I’m going to list some of the things I did not have this week:

- my car, my safe haven, my bubble, my personal space
- my favorite morning and evening AM talk radio shows (my husband prefers his iPod)
- my car cell phone charger (that’s where I always charge my phone!)
- my usual route to and from work (my husband likes to switch it up)
- my lunch-hour freedom! (I like to have choices)

There is something very American about owning a car. It is a symbol of our individuality and independence, among other things. Our car situation this week forced me to change some habits and make due with what was available to me. Here is the same list, but I’ve spun it now to show what I did have:

- the company of my husband and my co-workers
- the opportunity to listen to my husband’s great podcasts!
- someone to help me charge my cell phone
- the scenic route with more trees and grass
- the ability to walk to the corner to buy a lunch I’ve never had before

Today’s devotional bible verses are, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances… I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation” (Philippians 4:11-12). Joni further explained this mindset by saying, “All you need, you already have. What do you have? How long has it been since you did a thoughtful inventory of your possessions? The secret of contentment is wrapped up in simple gratitude for what God has already provided you.”

Lord, thank you for providing everything and everyone I have in my life today. You are so good to me. Amen.

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