Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Prompting from the Spirit (#21 of 365+)

Opera and theater performers are human. They get tired, distracted, and they forget just like the rest of us. So they rely on someone to give them cues to their next phrase or line. This
person is called the “prompter”. He knows every detail about the production, follows each scene and performance closely, and is always prepared to help. He is hidden from the audience, usually in the orchestra pit, and is visible and audible only to the performers. The prompter doesn’t seek the spotlight or the applause (and he rarely receives the credit he is due) but he works hard for the success of the performers and the entire production.

Much like the opera or the theater (and I’ll try not to take this analogy too far) the entire world, or the world around you, is watching you on a stage. You’re life is part of a grand story of God’s love for all mankind. You have an appointed time to enter the scene and another to exit. At the moment of salvation the curtains part and God sends you the presence of the Holy Spirit. He works subtly in and through you, unbeknownst to others, but you know he is there. During your brief moment in the spotlight something happens and you become fearful, tired, or distracted, and you forget what you’re supposed to do. At that moment if you pause and listen carefully you’ll hear that still, small voice that gives direction to get you back on track.

OK, let’s be honest here. I don’t always listen to that voice. At least not right away. I’ve been a Christian for over 20 years and my life has often resembled a series of nights at the improv rather than pointing to an overarching plot with real meaning. I’ve performed at whim, based on selfish feelings or desires, and I’ve even looked to audience reaction instead of God’s direction to propel me forward. Do you think I’m being too harsh? Trust me, I’m not. But I’m trying to do better now. There’s no storyline in existence more worthy to be told than the story of God’s love for you and me. That’s the purpose of this blog. I want to share what God is doing in my life right now and what he will do in your life if you seek him daily.

I want to close this with something Joni said in today’s devotional. She told of a time she almost missed an opportunity to tell a complete stranger about the gospel because she was in a rush and felt kind of embarrassed. She said, “Every prompting to share the gospel is a prompting from God… Don’t brush it off.”

“I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2)

If you feel the Holy Spirit prompting you, please listen and obey.

Lord, I thank you for sending me the Holy Spirit. When I get fearful, tired, distracted, or forgetful – draw me closer to you so I can better hear your voice. Give me the boldness to speak the words you want me to say, when you want me to say them. Amen.

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An encouragement, a simple prayer, or a pithy observation... I would appreciate hearing from you. May God richly bless your day! ~Joanna