Monday, October 5, 2009

God Meant It for Good (#9 of 365+)

After one week of daily devotionals, I can already see a change in my attitude. This morning I spent more time than usual praying and the bulk of my prayers were for other people. I'm not as "woe-
is-me"-centered as I was when I wasn't purposefully seeking God's plan for my life. And what's more interesting is that when God-centered thoughts started taking over something else was conveniently displaced: That feeling of dread that usually crept in around 4 p.m. on Sundays. I'm astonished that I'm actually looking forward to getting to the office today.

Today's devotional was about the life of Joseph in the Old Testament. As with all the other biblical accounts that were recorded over thousands of years, it stands on its own as a testament to God's faithfulness in the life of an individual. At the same time, this story is unmistakably intertwined with the next story. Joni pointed out the spiritual lineage from Joseph to the tribe of Judah "from which the Messiah, Jesus Christ, would come". Since Jesus Christ gave his life and then raised from the dead so that all the world could have an opportunity to be reconciled to God, then it could be construed that Joseph unwittingly and ultimately helped save the entire world as he saved his family from a famine (Genesis 45:7-8).

I am reminded of lyrics from the song "Through Heaven's Eyes" from The Prince of Egypt soundtrack. In the movie Jethro sang these words to Moses, a man who eventually led millions of slaves out of Egypt and brought the law of God down from Mount Sinai. The lyrics are: A single thread in a tapestry/Though its color brightly shine/Can never see its purpose/In the pattern of the grand design.

Lord, you are sovereign over all creation past, present, and future. I thank you for being aware of my little presence on this planet and for loving me enough to take care of my needs. May I never forget that you bring the only true significance to my life. Help me spread this message to others today. Amen.

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An encouragement, a simple prayer, or a pithy observation... I would appreciate hearing from you. May God richly bless your day! ~Joanna