Sunday, October 4, 2009

It Could Be Worse (#8 of 365+)

Yesterday I attended an Apologetics and Worldview Conference at a local church. This church hosts a Christian school, and the mascot there is a warrior decked out in knight’s gear. The symbol
was everywhere, from the two full-size metal knights on the stage to the knight decal on the school van. Every symbol always included three crucial items of knight’s gear: the helmet, the sword, and the shield. But those full-size metal knights were completely covered from head to toe. The only weapon they had was a sword, and the rest of the metal was to protect the person inside who was highly trained in using it.

Joni’s devotional today said that God “is our refuge and our protector” and that he actually keeps back more “suffering and harm” than we could know. After some contemplation it occurred to me that starting the day without a devotional is like a knight going into battle without all his gear. I admit that on some days I catch myself thinking it is slowing me down from getting to pressing matters, but the truth is that nothing will hamper my effectiveness more than not being fully equipped.

Lord, thank you for quieting my soul and assuring me of your presence. You have spoken to me much in the past week, and I pray that I will not forget. Place your angels around my family to guard our hearts and minds, and lead us in the direction you want us to go. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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