Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sharing the Manna (#297 of 365+)

“Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8)

Jesus Christ said those words when he sent his disciples on a trial run to basically do everything he had been doing—to preach the kingdom, to heal
illnesses, to cast out demons, and to raise the dead. I’m sure they were more than a little intimidated by this assignment.

I don’t think I could ever forget all the Lord has freely given me, but sometimes I do forget that I’m expected to “pay it forward” to others. When I don’t it’s like I’m someone who found, inherited, or won a huge sum of money but then kept it a secret and buried it in her backyard.

If it’s ridiculous to hide earthly riches, how much sillier is it to hoard the spiritual blessings and gifts I’ve received from my Savior? It doesn’t do anyone—including myself—any good to store it all away. God means for heavenly riches to be put to good use. He wants believers to spread around the wealth. He wants us to bless everyone we touch with the same generosity we’ve received from his hands. By obeying him in this he receives the glory and honor he deserves.

When the Israelites were in the desert, the Lord provided for their nutritious needs with manna. It was a carbohydrate-rich mystery food that fell from the sky. Every morning they would literally walk out of their tents and find breakfast waiting for them. All they needed to do was gather up what they needed for their families. But there was one rule the Lord told them to follow: Don’t store it away (Exodus 16:19). They were not to put any of it away for tomorrow. They needed to put their trust in God, and believe that he would provide fresh manna each and every morning. And he did.

Jesus Christ is the manna this world needs. He is God’s endless supply of grace. Every morning this grace is new and I can be certain every day that the Lord will be everything I need. I can’t just tuck him away, forget, and do things on my own again. I need to trust him for that fresh manna of grace every morning. I can be sure that he will never let me down.

“[Don’t] trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17 NKJV)

Lord, thank you that my relationship with you is alive. I purpose to do a better job of spreading the wealth and sharing the manna. May I help others discover your free offer of grace and grow in the richness of knowing you. Amen.

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