Saturday, January 16, 2010

God’s Longings (#112 of 365+)

“Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion” (Isaiah 30:18)

The word “long” means to have an earnest or strong desire. Joni
said the word is used in this way only twice in the bible—the other time is when Jesus said he longed to gather the children of Jerusalem under his wings (Matthew 23:37). It portrays the deep yearning within God’s heart to do something for his people.

James, the brother of Jesus, wrote to a church where believers were heatedly conflicted over many issues. They were judging each other with self-inflated egos and every person was looking out for his or her own interests. Using strong language (by calling them “sinners”, double-minded”, and even adulterers against God) James examined their inner motives under the microscope of God’s standards. After he was done, it was apparent the entire body of believers was guilty of harboring sin in their hearts. Even though sin had a terrible impact upon their witness and the devil was practically dancing in their midst, James didn’t allow them to remain in a state of despair about it for very long. He said God’s grace would always be enough to cover their sin no matter how badly they blew it. He told them “Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (James 4:9). God was waiting, longing, to demonstrate his infinite mercy and grace once again.

Lord, my heart usually longs for selfish things! Draw me closer to you, purify my motives, and give me a passion for the eternal interests of others. Give your Church the desire to spread the gospel and to do good works among the lost. Amen.

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