Friday, October 2, 2009

A Lesson in Humiliation (#6 of 365+)

Joni's devotional today referred to a story about a personal humiliation that helped her to see her own sin and hypocrisy in one area of her life. As she said, God "brushes aside our smooth
talk and cultivated image" and he "boldly intrudes into our sin, naming it for what it is... and we need it."

Let me quickly recap yesterday's events: I took a day off from work because my cold symptoms had gotten progressively worse all week and even though my employer makes me feel guilty when I take any time off I finally had to admit that I needed a day of rest. So what did I do on my sick day? Instead of taking a nap like I should have, I went to the movies. I watched the new movie Fame. All by myself. Actually, there were two other ladies and a baby in the row ahead of me but I didn't know them.

There was an important scene in the movie that stuck in my subconscious all day. It was when the principal of the performing arts school welcomed the lucky new class of freshmen. In a nutshell she told them she hoped they were there because they loved the arts, that they were expected to work hard and pursue excellence, and if any of them had hopes of fame then those students should leave right now. I looked up Plugged In Online's movie review just this morning and found this helpful quote: "It's the pursuit of fame that gets us bent out of shape. We only have to take a look at any random week's round of supermarket tabloids for ample proof of how seeking fame can scramble brains. As an aphorism, excellence is a virtue, but the quest for fame is a vice. And when you tie that quest with its natural root—vanity—it becomes an outright sin."

I've been restless since 2:00 a.m. I had so many things on my mind that I needed to pray for awhile. One of the things I asked God was if I had his permission. Permission for everything I've been doing, hoping to do, or planning to do. Everything including my plan to continue sharing with the public the details of my daily private time with him. I don't want to do it for me. I mean, I want to continue the devotional for me, but I only want to post it for godly reasons. After prayerful examination of my heart, I believe he has granted me his blessing to continue blogging my daily devotional notes. At least for now.

I hope that I'm setting a good example for the majority of Christians out there who don't have a consistent daily devotional time. Hopefully, from reading about my struggles and successes, someone out there with much more talent than I will be inspired to perhaps start their own blog and impact the culture for God's kingdom. All of us has a personal testimony, our own unique story, and God can use every one to touch another one. Will you seek God's will for you today?

Lord, I humble myself before you. Every breath I take, every keystroke I make, is because of you. My very life is in your hands. May my words and actions today bring you glory. Amen.

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