Monday, October 19, 2009

The Fear of the Lord (#23 of 365+)

“Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD” (Proverbs 23:17)

In other words, “Don’t be jealous. Be zealous”. This verse is a
father’s advice to his son to be wise in a world filled with foolish excess. The young man wants to be like others who are having a great time eating and drinking. But his father explains that he shouldn’t pursue those same pastimes because worldly things can never fill his soul-hunger. He needs to instead become passionate about a relationship with the living God.

The book of Genesis says God created Adam and breathed life into him. When Adam and Eve decided to believe the serpent instead of God their sin sucked the life out of them. They didn’t die an immediate physical death but the spiritual death was apparent when they saw they were naked. They suddenly felt like something was missing! And, even though they’d never worn a stitch of clothing before, they made a pathetic covering from leaves and tried to hide. But God patiently sought them out and heard their confession. Although what had happened was irreversible God provided a way back. He mentioned the future messiah and then he made a covering for them from animal skins. This was the first recorded sin sacrifice.

We all descended from Adam and were born with the same spiritual conditions of emptiness and nakedness. If you look at the world from this perspective it’s obvious that we’re driven with an obsession to replace what’s missing with alcohol, drugs, food, sex, shopping, success, charitable work – anything to make us feel better. Are we ever going to learn that a relationship with God (through the once-and-for-all atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ) is all we’ll ever need to be truly fulfilled? Why do we keep falling for the same old tricks?

As Joni said, “May we never take lightly our salvation or shrug the Father’s kind arm from our shoulders while caressing Eden’s serpent coiled around our hearts!”

Father, thank you that I can call you “Father”. Thank you for covering me with Jesus Christ and for filling me with your Holy Spirit. Thank you for being faithful to your promises. I will sing praises to you forever! Amen.

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