Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Clothed in Righteousness (#24 of 365+)

I completed this devotional during my lunch hour. I woke up too late this morning to have it then so I quickly decided to just get ready for work and do it later during the day. I really, really
wanted to get up earlier but I was physically exhausted and needed all the sleep I could get. Please pray for me!

So, bypassing my morning devotional, I showered and styled my hair before giving thought to the clothes I’d wear today. Even though they weren’t new, I managed to pull off a newish look with a slightly different combination of blouse, sweater, pants, and shoes. After adding my wedding ring, pearl earrings, and a spritz of my favorite perfume I stepped back from the mirror and felt like a new woman. I descended the stairs with a bounce in my step and happily accepted a sincere compliment from my husband.

Today’s devotional verse says “for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ” (Galatians 3:27). This is the 2nd day in a row God has shown me in the devotional that he provided his righteousness to replace my feeble attempts at being righteous which are like “filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). He seems to be reminding me that I’m accepted because I’m “a new creation” in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) and not because of the good deeds I do.

Hmmm… Now that I’ve had a chance to think about it, God has repeatedly spoken to me about this through my husband’s words and actions. Just the other day my husband asked if I understood that I wouldn’t “let anyone down” if I wasn’t able to finish my devotional on time one morning. (I became defensive when he said this). And, I wasn’t going to mention this at first… This morning my husband kept peeking at me while I was still in the shower! I didn’t have the chance to get prettied up and “earn” his approval. He was already delighted with me!

In much the same way, God is already delighted with me. I should rest in that knowledge and not be so hard on myself.

Lord, thank you for being my righteousness and for blessing me with a husband who embodies your love for me. Help me to become the Christian wife he deserves. Amen.

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