Saturday, September 26, 2009

My first post!


I feel sort of like Bilbo Baggins felt when he was getting ready to leave The Shire. Surely my neighbors and co-workers would text rumors about the loss of my sanity if they could read this post
right now. You see, I've been moody and tearful and acting like a shut-in in public for much of the past few weeks. I mean, I finally hit an all-time low. This is a very sad admission indeed since I'm supposed to be "The Light of the World", a born-again believer in Jesus Christ.

So I've renewed a commitment that will abruptly change my daily routine and will often make me quite uncomfortable (read my "About Me" section). My ultimate goal at this point? To spend enough time with Jesus that I radiate contentment.

Now, I won't actually be going anywhere in the physical sense. This post is my first step on a spiritual journey. I have to warn you: It probably won't be very pretty at times. You see, I've been stubborn for way too long and have insisted on doing most of everything on my own strength. I'm so grateful that my Lord knows me well but still has an infinite supply of love and patience for me. I'm also very blessed to have a wonderful husband, who happens to be suffering from a really bad cold right now, but he took me out last night anyway and bought Joni's devotional book for me as a token of his undying love and support. I love him so much!

If you've had a similar experience to mine and would like to follow along, or even join me on this journey, you are completely welcome to. In fact, I'd greatly appreciate it if you would comment me once in a while. I'll need all the encouragement and friends I can find. Thank you!


1 comment:

An encouragement, a simple prayer, or a pithy observation... I would appreciate hearing from you. May God richly bless your day! ~Joanna