Monday, September 20, 2010

The Correct Path (#359 of 365+)

“Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight” (Psalm 119:35)

The small town paramedics took the unconscious three-year-old boy and
instructed his parents to follow the ambulance to the cemetery. The child’s parents were so confused! Why were they headed to the cemetery, of all places? What was going on? Had they heard correctly?

It finally made sense when they saw the medical helicopter. The cemetery was the only place for miles around that had a clearing for the helicopter to land. Their little boy was flown to a hospital in a nearby city where he received the expert medical attention he needed.

Joni said, when the way seems “dark and indiscernible” we tend to let our emotions lead us instead of having “confidence in God.” But when we follow his instructions “we not only find life, but delight.”

Lord, may I not let feelings rule over my actions, especially when you’ve already given clear instructions on what to do. May I not question or doubt, but only follow the path you’ve laid before me. Give me strength and clarity, and use me to somehow bring glory to your name today. Amen.

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