Saturday, March 20, 2010

Unravel the Thread (#175 of 365+)

Joni talked about a lady who was crocheting an intricate table runner when she discovered she had made a mistake somewhere way back in the pattern. Instead of ignoring something most
people would never notice, she unraveled all that painstaking work until she was back at the point of error. Then she picked it back up again and continued on until she was finished. It might have taken weeks to complete her project but she said it was “worth doing right.”

“Now if you are displeased, I will go back” (Numbers 22:34)

Today I learned if things don’t seem to be coming together well at all in my life I need to examine my relationships. This is also a good practice even when things are going well. The Holy Spirit will help me trace my steps back to the point I may have departed from his path. If somewhere in the past I offended or hurt someone I can’t forget about it or simply confess it to God and continue on as if nothing ever happened. There’s a person back there who deserves an apology or an explanation. I must at least attempt to make things right again.

The Christian life is all about God’s transforming power. Jesus Christ taught us how to pray but he emphasized the importance of examining our relationships in light of our relationship with God. If we’ve experienced God’s forgiveness we should be able to forgive those who hurt us (Matthew 6:12). If we’ve been reconciled to God we should seek to be reconciled to those we’ve hurt (Matthew 5:24).

Lord, thank you for giving me a life that’s worth living and worth living right. Give me the courage to face my missteps and those I’ve wronged. Heal all my past relationships. Pour out your blessings upon my family as we seek your will every day. Amen.

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