Saturday, December 19, 2009

Anna Leads the Way (#84 of 365+)

“Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name!” (Psalm 103:1 NKJV)

About ten years ago I used to drive past a church at the same time
every day and I’d consistently see a man standing on the opposite corner across the street. He was obviously homeless; his clothes had the appearance of filthy rags and his long hair and beard were matted from neglect. He was always looking intently into the sky above the church, in the general direction of the cross on top of the steeple. Some time later, when my work schedule changed and I didn’t go past that church at the same time anymore, I read a story about him in the local newspaper. The interviewer said the man had been living like that for a couple of years. He slept in an alley near the church because he was waiting for something from the Lord. He never did anything but wait. He didn't talk to people (much). He didn't attend worship services or bible studies (that I know of). He didn't spread the gospel or proclaim anything else. I don’t know what ever became of him, but my guess is he was ultimately sent to live in a mental institution.

Luke records what happened the eighth day after Jesus’ birth, when Mary and Joseph took him to the temple at Jerusalem to be consecrated to the Lord. An eighty-four year old prophetess named Anna—a widow who never left the temple but worshipped, fasted, and prayed there day and night—came up to them and declared the Child was the redemption of Jerusalem, gave thanks to God, and told everyone who would listen to her about him (Luke 2:21-24, 36-38). Joni said many people who came by the temple probably “looked down on her as though she were the temple bag lady”. However, since she was called a “prophetess” of that day, she had earned a certain level of respect from others. I’m impressed with how the entire focus of her life was about those disciplines that prepare one to live out a powerful testimony: worship, fasting, and praying. And, when the time came for her to bear witness to others, she did so with a thankful heart to God.

Joni encourages us to pattern our celebration of Christmas this year after Anna’s example. Let’s not just go to church; let's prepare our hearts by praising God... and then tell others about Jesus Christ!

Lord, I know you look on the inside and not the outside. Prepare my heart and mind for your purposes. May I be faithful to you in my private life so that I can bear a powerful witness to you in my public life. Amen.

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