Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Real Halloween (#35 of 365+)

Last night my husband and I took our son and niece to a local church’s version of a haunted house. A large group of visitors were led through a series of dark rooms, each one revealing its
own dramatic scene from real life: drug overdose, drunk-driving crash, abortion, suicide, and criminal violence. Every scene included the presence of demons celebrating the destruction of human life. Then the group was led to a scene of hell. The torment of souls was palpable.

“But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 8:12 KJV)

The modern church tends to avoid talking about the reality of hell but as Joni points out, “Jesus talked frequently about hell because he wanted to warn us of its real-life horrors.” What better time than Halloween to present this truth to the world?

The final scene at the haunted house was a well-done albeit brief version of the scourging, crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ to Carman’s song This Blood Is For You. I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as the scene played out. Despair was replaced by hope, the demons of previous scenes were absent, and brilliant angels waited outside the tomb. When the drama concluded everyone was invited to join in a prayer to accept God’s free gift of salvation.

This was the first Christian haunted house we ever attended. I think its a great way to share the good news and spread warnings about the truth of hell since most people seem receptive to the spiritual world (or the "paranormal") during Halloween. I hope that church continues to do this every year and it becomes a Halloween tradition in our community.

Lord, bless that church’s outreach this weekend. May many souls be influenced and saved from hell. Comfort our extended family today as we say goodbye to a beloved dog, Kelly. Thank you for the sparkle she has brought into our lives. Amen.

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